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Finding the Best Cannabis Testing Equipment

Though the standardization of cannabis ingredients, potency, and taste is a long way to go, most consumers are opting for the cleanest CBD products. Clean marijuana is free from chemicals, heavy metals, and its potency is well defined.

There is a bewildering range of equipment used to test and analyze marijuana content. Should you align yourself with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry or opt for terpene profiling cannabis testing equipment? In this article, we are going to help you decide on that.

Setting up a Cannabis Lab

Setting up a Cannabis testing lab is not a one-time thing but a long-term decision that involves thousands or even millions of dollars. You will start by designing, constructing, and finally fitting the lab with proper equipment.

At the end of it all, the most important cannabis testing equipment is those responsible for potency. Potency (the concentration of THC) must be tested and reported according to legal guidelines and consumer understandability.

Vendors have a variety of options to offer, but the final decision is embedded in your needs. Let your needs define the exact specification of equipment you need for your lab. Here is a general criterion of what you should be looking for;

  • Extraction machines
  • Cannabinoid and Terpene potency testing equipment
  • Residual Solvents
  • Pesticides testing equipment-
  • Heavy Metals testing equipment
  • Moisture and microbe analyzers

Selection Criteria

  • Startups need entry-level equipment

If you are a local distributor or grower of hemp products, simple cannabis testing equipment is good for you. Agilent 7890 GC or Agilent 7000 Triple Quad GC might be just what you need in this case. They are agile machines with self-contained systems that can analyze hundreds of samples. Agilent 7890 GC analyzes terpene while the latter identifies pesticide profiles within the sample.

  • Specify the need for the equipment

It is not uncommon to find labs running different tests on cannabis samples for specific reasons. Some may focus on potency, while others test the presence of pesticides and heavy metals.

In either way, you should specify the need for cannabis testing equipment. If you are dealing with organically grown marijuana, don’t dwell too much on pesticide testing equipment because you will not find any chemicals in the samples. Instead, go for equipment that tests for potency, moisture level, or heavy metals.

  • Include Intangible Assets on the List of Equipment

Developing digital media for analyzing substances in cannabis is a tough job. You need software and matrixes that will sort out your problems with a mere press of a button. Find easy to run, downloadable, and digital information packages that will aid you through cannabis testing.

Agilent is one of the companies that develop both tangible and intangible assets for the cannabis industry. They have reliable and efficient software that will be of much help.

Cannabis testing equipment runs a barrage of tests on samples to ensure you sell only the best and safe products. Find more information about this equipment by visiting Prodigy Scientific labs.

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